Now Available: The Weaving Spell

The ninth and final installment in The Citadel of the Last Gathering is now available for Kindle and in paperback.

I've been writing and revising these novels for the past ten years and mulling them over a lot longer than that, so it feels strange finally having them finished. If you've been reading along, I'd like to thank you for giving these books a chance. I'm proud of how the series came out, and I believe The Weaving Spell is one of the best installments.

If you haven't already picked up the earlier books, this weekend is a good time to do so - between Friday and Tuesday, Kindle copies of the first three books are free, and the fourth and fifth are on sale.

You can find the early novels in the series here.

Book 9 Will be Available Soonish!

Originally, we'd been eyeing sometime in May to release The Weaving Spell, the final installment in The Citadel of the Last Gathering. Everything but the last few rounds of editing was already taken care of - the first draft was actually finished back in 2017, and I put some cover art together last year (which is why there's a image up there). Getting this wrapped up by May seemed easy.

Then the pandemic hit, and time became a precious commodity. I should note that my family and I have been extremely fortunate so far - we're all healthy, and both my wife and I are able to work from our home. We've also been extremely fortunate to have our daughter, whose first birthday is coming up fast, with us. The world feels a lot less depressing when a baby is laughing.

But that also means there are days where almost every minute is devoted to work, cleaning, cooking, and looking after the little one. Fortunately, there are other days we're able to find pockets of time to do a little editing or watch some TV. But those are exceptions rather than the rule, so things are getting pushed back a bit.

How far back? Honestly, I don't know. We're really close to having this ready - a few more passes should do it. But whether those last few passes happen this month or next has a lot to do with my daughter's ever-evolving weekend nap and bedtime schedule. Because of that, we're tentatively looking at getting this out sometime in June or July, with the caveat that August is certainly still in the realm of possibilities.

I'm really proud of this one - I think it's one of the strongest installments in the series. I'll of course post more info on the release when we're closer to having this done. In the meantime, I hope everyone out there is staying healthy and doing well.